Monday 24 January 2011

Beans Beans, good for your heart

Beans Beans, Good For Your Heart
I have taken two pieces of inspiration to do this piece of work. Andy Warhol and Jim Dine. Jim Dine is commonly known for his use of using hearts in his work and Andy Warhol is known for his use of screen printing. I screen printed two Heinz beans can into the centre of the heart. I then painted around the heart shape in the same colour of the screen print, this makes the cans really stand out. 

Neon Flower

Neon Flower
I created this image in Adobe Photoshop using the filter gallery tools. I worked with a artist called Viv Owens which specializes in canvas painting. I created this image on a canvas using paints and also applying tissue paper, using her techniques.

A Festive Creation

A Festive Creation
This is my finished Unit 2 piece. It was festival inspired. I used many different media techniques such as hand prints, batik printing, stitching, using the sewing machine, working with tissue paper, oil pastel. All the different sections have a different meaning. E.g. hand prints - Papua New Guinea - they use face paint and colour to express leadership in the particular tribe.  
This piece was showcased at the gallery in Saltaire - South Square Gallery.

Cartoon Smith

Cartoon Smith
This image was inspired by Leonardo Da Vinci and Caricature. I chose the actor Will Smith. I first stained the page in tea to make it look old and create the atmosphere which Da Vinci created. I then drew the image of Will Smith I didn't want to create a bold caricature so I kept his features low key and used some subtle pencil lines to create the old atmosphere.

Brush Strokes

Brush Strokes
I researched the artist Arman which uses objects such as brushes in his pieces'. I wanted to work in the style of him as he links in well with my Unit 3 work. I used primary colours and created this piece. I also placed the paint brushes by the brush strokes after creating the line just how the artist works. I find this piece very expressive as the lines are crossed, it shows a lot of emotion.

'Beans means Heinz'

'Beans means Heinz'
This image came from one of my primary images that i had taken. I created the transfer of the screen print myself. I particularly like this print screen more than all my other experiments as I have used two different colours. It reminds me of Andy Warhol's screen prints as he moves the screen purposely to create this effect, but I didn't have this intention. There were two different colours on the squeegee I used and this is how I created this effect. 

Cup and Saucer

Cup and Saucer
I etched into a plastic sheet and drew this cup and saucer which a etching tool. I scratched into the plastic harder creating dark areas and also by hatching in places. After spreading some brown ink I put it through the presser. I tried out a different technique by added some tissue paper to the plastic and then put it through the presser. This made it create a different effect and added colour.  

Tiger Ink

Tiger Ink
After creating the piece 'Zebra' i started to work more into the Andy Warhol and 60's inspired pieces. I created this piece which i drew with Indian Ink. I created a border so that it fits in with the 60's era as it was all about the bold bright colours. I chose the colour orange as tigers are orange and I wanted to keep the tiger black and white, I thought it was quite ironic.


I was inspired by the artist Andy Warhol as he produced this image called Grevy's Zebra. I then started to work in the style of himself so that I could get to know more about how he works. He originally created this piece by screen print, however I wanted to create a piece which used different media's to his original piece to make it my own. I also changed the colours to complimentary colours. I used many different media's such as oil pastels, paint and the dry brushing technique.   


This piece was inspired by the artist Beatriz Milhaze. This is a section from my Unit 2 final piece. I was interested in looking into festivals in this unit. 
As Beatriz Milhaze is Brazilian and most of the extravagant festivals happen there, her work shows that she does find inspiration from the festivals e.g. the use of colour and pattern she creates in her work.
I started to work in the style of herself. I created my own image in Adobe Photoshop which i then later painted and ended up with the finished piece which is pictured.  

Honey, I Love You

Honey, I Love You
I was inspired by the honey comb that I saw at the gallery Cliffe Castle. I was mainly inspired by bees as the pattern they form in the comb is fascinating as no other insect creates such a unique pattern.  
I came up with this composition from my own personal use as I love the taste of honey but it is so difficult not to get the spoon stuck. 
This is one of my pieces of work which later was showcased at a gallery which was at Cliffe Castle.


This was the end product for my Unit 1 project. I was inspired by the Victorian wallpaper prints which I saw at a gallery (Cliffe Castle). This then lead me on to looking and researching the artist William Morris. I liked the contrast between the Victorian floral patterns and the stylized patterns which are more contemporary.
As Victorian patterns involve flowers I decided to create a piece which starts of very stylized from the bottom and as the piece works it self towards the top it becomes to be more realistic.To make it become more realistic I have used different types of media's from making it 2-D to 3-D.